Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rabbit Soup

Chocolate bunnies, Jelly beans, Cadbury creme eggs... and don’t forget those gross little marshmallow pink and yellow chicken things. Dentists' rejoice!!! All these things that make Easter what it is... right!?!? I mean what else could it be about? That seems like a good reason to have a holiday. Sadly, I find sometimes that this is all that people know about Easter. Either that... or it’s some weekend where you show up at church and hear about a guy who died on a cross like a billion years ago. But the only thing that has relevance for us today... is that we get to go home and have an Easter egg hunt!!!

I don’t know about you. But, I hate the Easter bunny!! I am starting to get tired of seeing his cute little face everywhere I turn this season. They even made a new movie about him. Jump?.. or Hop?, or Bounce? or something dumb like that. Maybe it’s time we make rabbit soup out of him? MMMmmm MMMmmm good!!! Or as one of my childhood heroes said... “Kill the wabbit... kill the wabitt...” (Thanks Elmer Fudd). Ok... Ok... Before I get labelled as a rabbit killer or the dasher of childhood memories and glee... let me state. I don’t really hate the little guy. He is adorable. But, I am sick and tired of the focus of Easter being about everything else but our Lord Jesus Christ.

Even as Christians, have we lost our awe and complete feeling of overwhelming gratitude as we reflect on the cross? Or is it just another stereotypical symbol of easter? Do we really understand what happened at Calvary? How our Lord Jesus Christ, came as a baby, grew to be a man. The man who spoke of love, demonstrated compassion, and came for the sick and the broken. The one true son of God, who laid down his rights and became human. In all it’s sin, despair and shame... Christ came to live among us. The perfect, spotless one, came to demonstrate love to this world in a way that had never been seen before and will never have to be seen again. He endured crucifixion so we would not have to die for our sins. Than... (And in my opinion this is one of the parts that people don’t recognize enough about this amazing gift)... He rose again on the third day!!! You hear that... He is alive!!! He is coming back one day for his church and is now sitting on the right hand of the Father.

It’s not about some guy who died and we come and eat little crackers and drink a little welches grape juice to remember and honour his death. It’s about our Lord JESUS!!!! The king of kings, who came, he died and he rose again. Death could not hold him and Satan could not kill Him!!! We don’t come at Easter to simply think about death... we also think on the triumphant resurrection of the Lord who conquered the grave. Just some things to think about as we enjoy our waxy tasting chocolate bunnies this year.

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